If one does a search on the internet can see many different versions of the Grainline Scout Tee. Scout Tees made of the suggested woven fabrics but also a few made of jersey fabric as well. Besides changing the fabric you also can see altered necklines, Peter Pan collars and Tunic versions. I’ve even seen versions with a breast pocket. I couldn’t resist to do some alterations as well. My Grainline Scout Tee two fabric version is made of woven and jersey fabric. Crepe for the front and sleeves and jersey for the back.

Grainline Scout Tee two fabric version


At the begin of 2018 Ann and I did our first ‘swap’: The Seven House Toaster sweater #2 versus the Named Talvikki sweater. This first swap let to this swap. The LMV Odette Top is very populair in the Netherlands and Belgium. LMV is now also available in Engeland. Perfect for as choice for Ann. She decided that I would make the Grainline Scout Tee.

Grainline Scout Tee two fabric version

Grainline Scout Tee two fabric version – the stitching

After some measuring I printed size 6. I altered the neckline into a boatneck shape. This boatneck is finished with on the bias cut tape using the overlap method. The crepe fabric is stitched with white yarn and the jersey fabric with black for a polished result.

Grainline Scout Tee two fabric version

My Scout Tee was finished, I pulled it over my head and standing for the mirror I realised my version was missing a breast pocket. After making two welt pockets in skirts this time  a rectangular welt pocket with the opening showing the black jersey fabric that was used to make the pocket. 

Grainline Scout Tee two fabric version

Costs and Time

Costs: pattern $14.00 (€ 12,03); printing and assembling € 2,50; fabrics € 15,00; yarn € 4,00
Time: pattern alterations and making boatneck bias tapes 30 minutes; cutting, stitching and finishing 7 hours

Grainline Scout Tee two fabric version

My experience with the Grainline Scout Tee two fabric version

The Grainline Scout Tee was released in 2011. Using matching yarns is time consuming but it gives a beautiful effect but the changing between both yarns. It also means more sewing time and perhaps something not all seamstresses are willing to do. Adding a breast pocket when the Top is finished was a great idea but takes patience.

Grainline Scout Tee two fabric version

The Scout Tee is a great Top and my black-white version suits with lots of clothes that are already in wardrobe. Using the jersey fabric for the back was a great idea: it makes the Top more wearable for me. Please take a look on Ann’s blog as well to see her version of the LMV Odette Top. 

9 Comments on Grainline Scout Tee two fabric version

  1. Using knit in the back is such a great idea! Did you assemble it with an overlocker or which stitch did you use? Oh and it looks great, your makes always suit you so well

    • Thank you so much for your kind words and your compliment about all my makes mean a lot to me. I used an overlocker and a regular sewing machine. The side seams of front, back, sleeves and shoulder are serged together and then finished on the sewing machine. After that I serged the sleeve head and armhole separately and set the sleeve in with my sewing machine. Please let me know if this answers your question and if you want to know more don’t hesitate to ask for more information.

  2. Great job Sonja! Like the idea of two fabrics. I think the addition of the contrast pocket was good- with the higher neckline it gives a good balance. Glad you enjoyed the pattern make I chose. I certainly enjoyed trying the Odette

    • Thank you so much Ann for your kind words and suggesting this pattern for our ‘swap’. Your floral version of the LMV Odette looks wonderful. After a few reviews I decided to make a higher neckline because a few didn’t like the original low neckline. It’s probably something I always do: cutting a higher neckline and then with the first fit I make my decision how high (or low) I want my make neckline. The breast pocket with the contrast fabric was my way to connect the front with the back.

    • Thank you so much Sue. Well to be honest my husband was relieved I did make the breast pocket without ripping the hem and side seams first. This would have probably been much easier.

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